Friday, December 9, 2011

Deco in the Duz

the beginning of our holiday spirit !

Time honored tradition of hanging ornaments

our lil' tree: presents under the tree...

The apartment :) Lights, garland, and tree going up

gettin crafty for christmas

The culmination of hours slaving over a perfect tree...
Placing the final star

Ta Da!
 Though I truly miss the craziness of the holiday season, there is something beautiful about celebrating so simply. We make peppermint mocha's and boil Cinnamon to bring in smells of the holidays. We have Christmas music playing all hours of the day. And, every morning, I've taken to sitting and watching the Christmas lights. There is something mesmerizing about it. When I was little, I used to lay under the center of the tree and watch the lights twinkle for hours. It never gets old.Now, I just have to send Santa my list! :)

1 comment:

  1. It is the simple holidays that bring us back to our center. Enjoy every moment!


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