Friday, July 23, 2010

Egyptian Women vs. American Women

الاختلافات بين النساء الأمريكية  و النساء المصرية
الاختلافات بدأت عندما ولدت و تعلمت الثاقافة. في أمريكا النساء يدرسن أنّ مسلويات لرجل و في مصر النساء يدرسن أْنّ النساء و الرّجل مختلفون بطبيعتهم و النساء يسطعن أن يفعلن الأشياء المناسبة من الناحية الثقافية. ادوار الجنسين هذه تحدد الكثير من الثاقافة. ادوار الجنسين هذه تتقوي خلال الطفولة و سنوات المراهقة. عن طريق الوالدين و الإعلام و المدرسة و التلفزيون. عادة حوالي في سن ١٣ او ١٤ البنات يبدأن أن يجلسن الحجاب لواحد من ثلاثة أسباب:
١. أفكار دينية
٢. الوالدار و كيف يرون الثاقافة
٣. لتجنّب تحرّش لفطى
التحرّش  يزيد بأمثلة البنات اللاتي ليسن يلبسن الحجاب لأنّهم يتعرضن لالمضايقة أكثر. في أمريكا في حوالي نفس السن ١٣ او ١٤ البنات يبدأن يفهمن أنوثتهن. هناك تركيز مختلف و في أمريكا هو النشاط  الجنس و في مصر هناك تقليل في هذا النشاط الجنسي. بالإضافة إلى هذه القضايا- فرص العمل مهمة جداٍٍ. في أمريكا، تشجع النساء يسطعن أن علي أن يتولين زمام لمور مستقبلهم. النساء يسطعن أن يكن في أي عمل يريدن. لكن في مصر هناك حدود. يعملن في وظيفة مناسبة فقط. لكن في الحقيقة هناك "السقف الزجاجي" هذا موجود في المكانين. كذلك  في مصر عدد ربات المنازل أكثر من أمريكا. هنا تقع على النساء مسوءولية البيت و الرخال يدفعون لكل شيئ. في واللية المتحدة الأمريكية هناك مساواة في الدخل و النساء يعملن في أي وظيفة بسبب حركة حقوق المرأة.
فما هي النتيجة؟ نساء مصر يعتمدن على أزواجهن أكثر من أمريكا. فما هو أي طريق أفضل؟ أنا لا أعرف لأنّ الآفضل لشخص يمكن أن يكون الأسوأ لآخر. ممكن في المستقبل لن يكون هناك فرق كبير...

Translation: (This was my homework assignment last week so I thought I'd share it with all of you! Translations aren't always perfect but I tried my best to capture the main themes)

The differences between American and Egyptian women
The differences begin in the beginning when women are born and learn the culture. In America, the women learn that women are equal to men and in Egypt women are taught that women and men are inherently different and that women are able to do the things only that are appropriate within their cultural boundaries. These gender roles are supported mostly through cultural outlets. These gender roles are strengthened through childhood and the teenage years by parents, the media, school and television.
Usually around the age of 13 or 14 the girls begin to wear a hijab for one of three reasons. First, because of religious preference. Second, because of her parents and how their view cultural standards. Third, because they want to avoid sexual harassment. The problem of sexual harassment is reinforced through negative examples. Girls that aren't wearing hijabs are harassed more and therefore the girls wearing the hijabs  are discouraged from changing this practice.
In America, around usually the same age girls begin to understand their sexuality and femininity. There is a very different focus. In America there is almost a promotion of understanding individual sexuality where as in Egypt there is a significant attempt to lessen this awareness and promotion of sexuality. In addition to this, there are other important issues- such as work opportunites.  In the States, women are encouraged to take charge of their futures and the women are able to do whatever job they want. (if they work hard enough.) But, in Egypt there are barriers. Women work in "appropriate" positions only. But, in reality, a glass ceiling exists in both places, just in different ways. Also in Egypt the number of house wives is far greater than in America. Here, in Egypt, the responsibilities of the house fall on the woman and the men pay for everything. In America there is generally an equality of income and women are able to work in whichever field they desire because of the results of the Women's Rights Movement. What is the result? Egyptian women are much more dependent on their husbands to provide for them then women in America. So, which is the better way? I don't know. Different things work differently for different people but maybe in the future there won't be such a huge difference.

[Reason for the basic vocabulary- that is basically my level right now in Arabic at least on an everyday basis. In Shah Allah, my Arabic will improve more and more but I translated the English as close to the actual Arabic meaning as possible.] I can't wait for your responses!

1 comment:

  1. That is definitely a hard one to pick. I guess you have to live both ways and decide what is for you. I agree that one day I hope there is more equality on both ends. I wonder how woman in Egypt who have a drive like us to be independent and strong can bottle it all up and be the obedient wife and stay at home?


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