Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Womens Car

There exists a very effective Metro service throughout greater Cairo. It is one of the only things that consistently is running and on time in the entire country. It is only one Egyptian pound which is the equivalent of 18 cents so is obviously quite cost effective and avoids all of Cairo's infamous traffic. It was a little intimidating the first time I rode it last fall but now it's a piece of gato! (cake in colloquial Arabic and French too I think!) Like the states, it is a fast way of transportation to and from work, busiest at the work rush hours. During these hours it is jam packed. There is no AC and little ventilation so it can get quite hot and full of different odors. Sometimes it's so bad I play the where is that smell coming from game. Gross, I know. But, unlike the United States, the Egyptians have two FEMALE ONLY railway cars. There are little women printed above the doors in pink with warnings written to men not enter. It is my safe zone. The women who ride the metro are so sweet and always smile at me. Sometimes I engage in conversations with them and they always love showing off the English words they remember from studying in high school or university. They always are highly amused when I respond in Arabic and full of encouraging remarks. Riding in the womens car is quiet, safe and so much more pleasant than riding the real cars. I like to think that for all the bad stuff Egyptian women are forced to deal with, at least they have this out of the deal. It may sound silly, but it really is a beautiful escape. Everywhere I walk I get cat called, whistled, and comments on oh-wow- how very beautiful (I am). It is one of the only things that will never change here and I will never get used to. I hate it. But in the womens car it is a place devoid of comments, stares and harassment. When I ride in the regular cars I am frequently subject to stares, "accidental" bumps into my chest, and a few times a butt squeeze as I exit the metro doors. That one is particularly frustrating because you can't say anything to the culprit when the doors are closing. It is not always bad but it is definitely something I avoid. I love the womens car. There is something almost empowering about it. Once, when a guy tried to entire the womens car (either accidentally or on purpose, I'm not sure) the women all starting collectively yelling at him effectively forcing him out of the car- much to his public embarrassment. Pardon the cliche, but my first thought was 'you go girls!'

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