Friday, April 16, 2010

Silly Little Nothings

I have this weird habit. I take a lot of language classes and have developed this nerdy habit while in class. I write down awkward/funny/interesting things people say in the margins of my notes in an effort to remind myself of a)silly experiences and b)the fact that I’m not the only one who lets really stupid things spill out every once in a while.
For example, my teacher, Khedva, who was raised as an orthodox Jew always enlightens us with tidbits about Judaism while learning in class. For example, there are 70 names for Jerusalem in the Torah along with 613 miztvahs (laws, but in modern times interpreted more as good deeds). In addition, we were discussing the differences between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews and this kid is my class asked, “where does the word Sephardic come from?” His friend next to him responded quickly, “Safari…duh. (like Africa)” I almost peed my pants.
One of the funniest things about Israel is the bluntness that reigns. In Israel, anyone with red hair gets a new name. My friend Dave, a redhead, on the first day of class was immediately labeled gingey by the teacher. In America, it is obviously quite rude to call someone that- especially someone you don’t know. Here, its endearing, and quite common. In Jerusalem, Dave and I walked through the markets and the vendors would yell things like “hey gingey! Gingey, your wife is nice!” It always makes me laugh. Israeli’s are notoriously blunt. The language barrier probably doesn’t help with being politically correct either. Introverts, extroverts, old and young- when an Israeli has an opinion, you will know it.

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