Wednesday, November 16, 2011

HW Assignment: HowToSteal

To give you a  little taste of my daily life as an English Teacher and as a Fulbright Fellow in Turkey, I wanted to share a little something that amused me! I gave my kids an assignment to teach them how to give instructions. Basically, how to walk someone through a "how-to." I had everything from how-to make bread, how to cook macaroni and how to play soccer. But my favorite, my absolute favorite, was a group of students who decided to write a how-to instruction manual entitled
"How to Steal?" 
"Firstly, he makes firm the place. After that, he waits to see and begin to rob. He climbs the balcony or breaks the door but he always prefers climbing the balcony. He opens with a special stick the door. He walks the room. He stoles valuable objects. After that, he escapes."

These are the days where teaching is such a joy. I have sixty amazing students, who, by the way surprised me on my birthday with three tiramisu cakes lit with candles and sang, what they could of Happy Birthday to me. They then insisted I take an individual photo with each kid in the class.

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